Boards & Committees

Local Elected Officials

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Select Board

  • Meetings: The Second and Fourth Tuesday of Every Month
  • Where: Durham Fire Station Meeting Room
  • Address: 615 Hallowell Road
  • Email:
  • Please visit our YouTube Channel to view current or past meeting video:


Select Board Members

  • Joe Roy - Select Board Chair (Term Expires April 2026)
  • Josh Klein-Golden - Select Board Vice Chair (Term Expires April 2025)
  • Joseph Tomm, Board Member (Term Expires April 2025)
  • Heather Roy, Board Member (Term Expires April 2026)
  • Deb Oliver, Board Member (Term Expires April 2027)
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Durham Town Policies

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Planning Board

  • Meetings: The First Wednesday of Every Month
  • Where: Durham Fire Station Meeting Room
  • Address: 615 Hallowell Road
  • Email:
  • Please visit our YouTube Channel to view current or past meeting videos:

The Durham Planning Board is to be comprised of five (5) regular members and two (2) alternate members appointed by the Select Board. Terms will be five (5) years duration with staggered expiration dates. Officers of the Board shall consist of a Chair and Vice Chair to be chosen annually at the first regular meeting each year by and from among Board members. The Chair shall preside at all Board meetings and have authority to rule on questions of evidence and procedure, to maintain order and determine the course of proceedings, and to take such other action as may be necessary; and not inconsistent with these bylaws or other laws to enable the Board to perform its duties and conduct its affairs. The Chair and the Town Planner set the agenda for each meeting. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall preside and have the same authority as the Chair. An appointed Secretary to the Planning Board shall maintain a permanent record of all Board meetings and all correspondence of the Board, which shall be a public record except as otherwise provided by law. This person shall not be a member of the Board.


  • Board members absent for more than 3 regular meetings without prior notice or prearrangement shall be deemed as having given notice as to their intention to resign their membership on the Board.


Planning Board Members

  • John Talbot - Planning Board Chair (Term Expires 2026)
  • Juliet Caplinger - Planning Board Vice Chair (Term Expires 2027)
  • Marc Derr - Board Member (Term Expires 2029)
  • Brian Lanoie - Board Member (Term Expires 2028)
  • Allan Purinton - Board Member (Term Expires 2027)
  • George Thebarge - Town Planner
  • Email:
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Board of Appeals

“Any municipality establishing a board of appeals may give the board the power to hear any appeal by any person, affected directly or indirectly, from any decision, order, regulation or failure to act of any officer, board, agency or other body when an appeal is necessary, proper or required. No board may assert jurisdiction over any matter unless the municipality has by charter or ordinance specified the precise subject matter that may be appealed to the board and the official or officials whose action or non-action may be appealed to the board. Absent an express provision in a charter or ordinance that certain decisions of its code enforcement officer or board of appeals are only advisory or may not be appealed, a notice of violation or an enforcement order by a code enforcement officer under a land use ordinance is reviewable on appeal by the board of appeals and in turn by the Superior Court under the Maine Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 80B. Any such decision that is not timely appealed is subject to the same preclusive effect as otherwise provided by law. Any board of appeals shall hear any appeal submitted to the board in accordance with Title 28-A, section 1054”.

Appeals Board Members

  • Paul First - Appeals Board Chair (Term Expires 2025)
  • Darin Baker - Board Member (Term Expires 2029)
  • Neil Berry - Board Member (Term Expires 2027)
  • Terry Kirk - Board Member (Term Expires 2025)
  • Milton Simon - Board Member (Term Expires 2027)
  • Byron Philbrick - Board Member (Term Expires 2028)


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Board of Directors, RSU5

School Board Members

Michelle Ritcheson, Chair - Durham

  • Term expires April 2025 

Elisabeth Munsen, Vice Chair - Pownal

  • Term expires June 2025

Colin Cheney - Freeport

  • Term expires November 2024

Malik Farlow - Pownal

  • Term expires June 2026

Cheyenne Farrell - Freeport

  • Term expires November 2026

Danielle George - Durham

  • Term expires April 2026

Carolyn Jensen - Freeport

  • Term expires November 2026

 Kara Kaikini - Freeport

  •  Term expires November 2024

Maura Pillsbury - Freeport

  • Term expires November 2025

Kelly Sink - Freeport

  • Term expires November 2025
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Budget Committee

The Budget Committee of the Town of Durham was established through a Town Meeting vote in 1933 as the Town “voted to have a Budget Committee of nine members to be elected at Town Meeting from the floor, three (3) for 3 years, three (3) for 2 years, three (3) for 1 year. Three members shall be elected each year thereafter”. There being no ordinance or bylaws created at the time of creation, these bylaws have been established for the purpose of establishing reasonable rules of procedure for Committee meetings and to promote the fair, orderly and efficient conduct of the Committee’s proceedings and affairs. These bylaws shall govern the Committee’s practices and procedures except as otherwise provided by law and shall be liberally construed so as to accomplish their purpose.


In the event of a vacancy in the membership, or if any member of the Committee during his/her term of office shall die, become incapacitated, resign, or cease to be a resident of Durham, the Select Board shall promptly appoint a person to serve until the next Annual Town Meeting, and the vacancy shall then be filled by election of a candidate for the remainder of the term.



Budget Committee Members

  • Milton Simon - Chair (Term expires 2026)
  • Jill Gastonguay - Vice Chair (Term expires 2025)
  • Neil Berry (Term expires 2027)
  • Jane Rice (Term expires 2025)
  • John Talbot (Term expires 2025)
  • Allan Purinton (Term expires 2026)
  • Donna Church (Term expires 2026)
  • Phyllis Brannon (Term expires 2027)
  • Marc Derr (Term expires 2027)
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Capital Improvement Policy Committee (CIP)

This Committee is tasked with composing a Capital Improvement Plan for the Town of Durham.

Capital Improvement Policy Committee Members:

  • Paul First
  • Joseph Tomm
  • Michelle Rouleau
  • Peter Jabaut
  • Jill Gastonguay
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Cemetery Committee

The Cemetery Committee is an appointed committee that dedicates their time to the preservation of town-owned cemeteries.  A plan is developed every year for mowing contracts, stone cleaning, repairs or restoration of any cemetery fence repairs that may be needed. The committee is also responsible for selling lots in Strout Cemetery located on Hallowell Road, and for an annual cemetery inspection and clean-up.

If you want to join the Cemetery Committee download an application here and submit it to the Durham Town Offices.

Cemetery Committee Members

  • Tia Wilson - Chair
  • Linda Bowie - Vice Chair
  • Lindsey Lopes - Secretary
  • Philip Baker
  • Joseph Donovick
  • Natasha Skelton
  • Greg Wilson

Vining Cemetery

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Conservation Commission

Mission Statement

The Town of Durham, in conjunction with the passage of the 2018 Durham Comprehensive Plan, seeks to update and rebuild the Durham Conservation Commission.

The Durham Conservation Commission shall:

  • Be comprised of no more than seven voting members;
  • Keep records of its meetings and activities and make an annual report to the municipality;
  • Work to protect current and potential water resources;
  • Work to conserve natural resources in the Town of Durham;
  • Work to create and preserve open space for recreational use and wildlife habitat;
  • Advise the Board of Selectmen and the Planning Board on sustaining our Town’s natural resources, including land, water, air, wildlife habitat, and scenic views; and
  • Conduct research, in conjunction with the Planning Board, into local land areas that are being considered for development. The Planning Board will request input from the Commission in conjunction with any proposed subdivision that impacts natural resources or Town-owned property or which involves the transfer of an interest in land to the Town.

The Durham Conservation Commission may:

  • Advertise, prepare, print and distribute books, maps, charts, plans and pamphlets, which it considers necessary.
  • Acquire land in the municipality’s name for any of the purposes set forth in this section with the approval of the municipal legislative body.
  • Receive gifts in the municipality’s name for any of the commission’s purposes with approval of the Board of Selectmen and shall administer the gift for those purposes subject to the terms of the gift.

Note: both of these sections are derived from MSRA Title 30-A §3261 and/or the 2018 Durham Comprehensive Plan.

The Commission shall achieve these duties by:

  • Pursuing public/private partnerships.
  • Cooperating and coordinating with neighboring communities and regional/local advocacy groups.
  • Initiating and/or participating in inter-local and/or regional planning, management and/or regulatory efforts.
  • Raising public awareness through educational outreach.
  • Recommending to the municipal officers or any municipal body or board, or any body politic or public agency of the State, programs for the better protection of water resources, natural resources or open space.

Implementation Philosophy 

The Durham Conservation Commission shall work on conservation-related issues in a climate of mutual respect with all Durham employees, volunteers and residents, other communities, and advocacy groups. We will seek to foster a collaborative working relationship with public and private groups organized around the preservation and enjoyment of the natural environment.


Conservation Commission Members

  • Jess Costa - Chair
  • Joe Roy 
  • Roberta Brezinski 
  • Samantha Cuccaro 
  • Michael Friendly 
  • Jeffrey Tindall


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Durham Scholarship Committee

scholarship seal

Scholarship Award

The Town of Durham awards one $1,000.00 scholarship award annually. The scholarship is paid directly to the recipient after the successful completion of the first semester (minimum 2.5 GPA).  Recipients are limited to one scholarship award. The Scholarship Program Guidelines may be found here.


  • Resident of the Town of Durham at the time of high school graduation
  • Currently reside in the Town of Durham
  • Have applied and/or been accepted as an incoming freshman in an accredited academic, vocational, professional or technical school, college or university (must attend classes full-time)
  • Complete the scholarship application form
  • Up to two letters of recommendation from teachers, counselors, or community leaders
  • Copy of high school transcript
  • Copy of ACT/SAT scores (may be included on high school transcript)
  • Letter of acceptance from an accredited academic, vocational, professional or technical school, college or university (if available)


Applications are reviewed and finalists chosen by the Durham Scholarship Committee. The scholarship award is presented at the Durham Annual Town Meeting each year. All scholarship applicants are notified by mail of the Committee’s decision by mail before April 6, 2024.

The Town of Durham reserves the right not to award any scholarship should there be no qualified applicants.


Scholarship Committee Members

  • Kendra O’Connell
  • Susan Hardison
  • Jonathan Pollock
  • Christine Cormier
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Eureka Community Center Committee

The Eureka Grange #7 (organized in 1874 and the Grange Hall built in 1906), is no longer active as a Grange organization. The building has been restored for use as The Eureka Community Center and sits at the intersection of Routes 9 and 136 across the street from the Durham Fire Department.

The Community Center is available to rent for gatherings of 50 people or less.

  • Contact: Pearl Scribner, 207-754-5912 (call or text) for more information. 
  • All renters are required to obtain insurance for their event either with a special event rider on their homeowner’s insurance or through a third-party vendor, GatherGuard.



If you are interested in coordinating a particular event or would like to see an event held at the Eureka Community Center, please contact the Durham Town Office.

Eureka Community Center Committee Members

  • Jeanne Costigan
  • Kathleen Lowe
  • Pearl Scribner
  • Anita Sellars
  • Cathy Sentner
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Historic District Commission

Mission Statement

The mission of the Durham Historic Commission is to identify, preserve and inform citizens of the Town of Durham about it’s unique historical heritage.  In fulfilling this mission, the Commission encourages local ordinances, by-laws or public action that preserves historic properties, both private and public.  The Commission encourages appropriate maintenance and restoration of the town’s historical structures and open spaces.


In 2002 Durham created a historic district as part of its Comprehensive Plan and developed ordinances in accordance with that plan. In 2007 the Town appointed a Historic District Commission to support the ordinances. It is the mission of the HDC to identify, preserve and educate the town about its unique historical heritage. As outlined in the Historic District Ordinance, the purpose of the Historic District and Historic Preservation Commission is “preserving, protecting and enhancing buildings and places or areas within the town which possess historical or cultural attributes and for the economic welfare of the residents and visitors to the town.”

Durham’s Historic District is located in the Southwest Bend area of town near the bandstand, where Route 136 (Royalsborough Road), Route 9 (Newell Brook Road) and Ferry Road meet. The Historic District includes properties on Ferry Road, properties on the river side of Route 9 for a short distance south from Southwest Bend, as well as properties on both sides of Route 136 for a short distance north from Southwest Bend.

The Historic Preservation Commission is responsible for reviewing all applications for a Certificate of Appropriateness for properties in the Historic District.  The HPC reviews these applications for conformance to the local ordinances. The Durham Historic District Ordinance can be viewed here.

What projects need a permit (Certificate of Appropriateness)?

  • Any change in the exterior appearance of any building or structure in the Historic District by construction, addition, reconstruction, alteration or demolition
  • New construction of a principal or accessory building or structure visible from a public street where such building or structure will be located in the Historic District
  • Removal of any building in the Historic District

Applications for a Certificate of Appropriateness may be obtained from the Code Enforcement Officer. There is no fee for a Certificate of Appropriateness. Applications are submitted to the Code Enforcement Officer, who reviews the application and sends it on for review by the HDC.  The applicant should be present at the meeting where that application is reviewed.

For more information contact the Durham Town Offices at 353-2561.


Historic District Commission Members

  • Lois Kilby-Chesley - Chair (Term Expires April 2025)
  • Candace deCsipkes - Vice Chair (Term Expires April 2027)
  • Emily Alexander - Secretary (Term Expires April 2027)
  • Paula Erdmann Purdy (Term Expires April 2025)
  • David McClellan (Term Expires April 2026)
  • Sandra Hilton - Alternate (Term Expires April 2026)
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Solid Waste Committee

The Solid Waste Committee was created to explore options for Town Trash Collection. This committee consists of 5 members and 2 alternates. Currently, the town has a contract for curbside pick-up of household trash that includes single-sort recycling, this contract expires 6/30/24. The cost of providing this service is increasing and the Durham Selectboard would like this committee to explore and or research other available options and present these options at a regular Selectboard Meeting in January 2024.

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Tasks of this committee will include:

  • Alternatives to curbside collections (transfer station?)
  • Exploring “green” technology/Eco-Maine
  • Drafting a Solid Waste Ordinance

Solid Waste Committee Members

  • Curtis Dimock - Chair
  • Juliet Caplinger - ViceChair
  • Jill Schofield, Secretary
  • Claire Ross 
  • Milton Simon
  • Todd Beaulieu

The Board is currently seeking an alternate member. If interested, please fill out an appointment application today!

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